Baby Containers and Daycare Providers
Crushing Container Syndrome
This or That: A Push toy or A walker?
The Best Playmats for Baby
This is such a huge topic, but I first want to say: sleeping in any form of container is NOT safe for infants. If your daycare is allowing babies to sleep in these, I urge you to take immediate action. This is a huge safety concern that has unfortunately led to the death of far too many already.
Picture a scenario where you’re caring for 3 babies at once with your coworkers caring for 3 each, as well. This is the reality in many daycare classrooms. During the pandemic I was cross-utilized in our childcare center and I was in absolute awe at the baby room staff. It is TOUGH Y’ALL!
So, while I think it’s best to encourage them to allow the babies to freely move and play, I think it’s also best to allow them a little bit of grace with container use. They are trying to keep your baby healthy, happy, and safe.

On a related note: if they are using jumpers or baby walkers, feel free to share some of my posts (I’ll share in stories) with the school director. Research is ever changing and evolving and if you come to them from a place I’d love and just trying to better the facility, hopefully they will be receptive to removing those items.
Note: 2:1 containers rule is shooting for twice as much free floor play as container time!
Daycare providers PLEASE chime in. Much of this was info I got from providers in this space, but I’m always hoping to grow and learn to help Mamas even more! And parents: share your experiences and tips too!