March 2022 Wrap-Up

In an effort to make my content even more accessible, I’m going to start putting together a blog post at the end of each month to share for anyone who may be unplugging from social media or looking for more specific info on a certain topic. This blog post will be a summary of everything I’ve posted across my social media accounts, arranged by topic, and with a link to the post where you can find more information!

Tummy Time Tips: I shared some info on the Landau Reflex, which is that little swimming motion babies do sometimes! It’s totally normal. You can encourage a hands down position by offering toys and sensory friendly items. I also shared one of my top tips to help your baby with lifting their head during Tummy Time here.

Did you know that Tummy Time is important to practice from birth on into toddlerhood? That’s right! It’s still important even after your child learns how to walk! You can read more about the benefits (and some tips to make it more fun!) in this post.

Books: Reading has become such a special time to bond with my kids and take a few moments to be intentional and present with them. I shared how I shifted my mindset around how I view this time so I can embrace all the amazing moments we get with each other. I want to encourage my kids to love reading from an early age and sometimes that means letting the “to-do’s” go and just being fully present. You can find my tips to do this in your own home here!

We use books as teaching tools as well. If you’ve been on Instagram, you know we’ve been working on potty training our youngest! I shared a bunch of our favorite potty training books in my stories. Then the kids came down with a bug and I used this book to talk with Ada June about the importance of letting her body rest and heal.

There were a lot of special days that we celebrated this month, too! We celebrated Read Across America early in March. Ada June and I made a pie to celebrate Pi day (3/14) and had so much fun together! You can see my quick St. Patrick’s idea here. The kids loved it! And I shared one of my favorite quotes from Shel Silverstein’s: The Giving Tree for World Poetry Day.

Torticollis/Plagiocephaly: Wondering if your child may have Torticollis? Read through this post to see some FAQs and tips about bringing this up with your provider. While Tummy Time is a great tool, it will NOT fix a flat head! Instead of focusing on tummy time, work on sidelying. You can find my YouTube video where I share more about this here!

If your little one has had or ever does need a helmet, I hope you hear me say this: it is not your fault, you did nothing wrong! And please go watch this video of some adorable babes showing off their helmets! A helmet is so much more than a cosmetic fix! Take a look at all of the ways this can benefit your child! I also had the privilege of talking with Jennifer Barnard, Occupational Therapist with Baby Begin, about all things Torticollis, Flat Head Syndrome, and Baby Containers. You can find that interview on my YouTube channel!

Nugget Play Couch: We spent the last week talking about all of the ways you can use a Nugget or other branded Play Couch to foster creativity and play for your kids. Please take note, though, that you do NOT have to have a big brand name toy to do this! As I shared here, any soft, foam-like surface will work! Take a look here to see some of my favorite ways to create a setup that is perfect for tummy time! Or you can try this setup for a bigger kid who is working on balance! Even a ‘simple’ set up, like this idea for a slide, works on such a wide variety of skills! I also shared a recent goldmine we found of play couch build ideas at @playcouchbuilds –use code: movementmama10 for 10% any of her build guides (+ be on the lookout for an exciting guide to motor development with the Nugget coming soon!)

Milestone Skills: Some of the first big milestones you can look forward to seeing your little one accomplish are rolling and sitting! For tips to encourage rolling, be sure to watch this video. If they’re a bit bigger and ready for the challenge of sitting, take a look at this video to see how to safely support them. And if they’re ready to really get on the go, I have some tips to build confidence to take those first steps! Another skill that I highly recommend practicing from early on is how to go down stairs (or any high surface) safely!

Milestones past walking: This is something that I don’t see talked about as often as I think that it should be! There are so many milestones to look forward to after walking! One important aspect of this is your toddler learning balance and stability. A great way to practice is by getting outside and using the environment around you! But if you’re stuck inside, try out this fun idea for an indoor obstacle course using throw pillows and a favorite game, like a puzzle!

Toddler Play Week: As many of you know, I took part in the third annual Toddler Play conference this year! It’s a conference held every year with over 25 professionals in their field talking about how to incorporate play into learning. You can still snag a ticket here if you’re interested! You can find a brief summary of what I discussed here! I shared this fun way to get your little ones moving in an intentional way that works on coordination and cognitive development!

Drop a comment below if this was helpful or ways we can make the posts more easily accessible!


Books that Promote Fine Motor Skills


April 2022-Post + Top Link Wrap Up