0-3 Month Motor Milestones

Do you have a trusted resource for milestones? 🖤⁣ I’m here to tell you, it most likely shouldn’t be your baby apps or Google. What I’ve found is that often these checklists aren’t based in research. But that’s why I’m here :) to be a source for peace-of-mind knowing when the research shows your baby may hit certain motor milestones.

I want you to remember, though: milestones are a RANGE. I usually allow about a 6-8 week window on the tail end to give grace if a milestone isn’t met 👍🏻 ⁣but if this happens for every milestone, seek intervention, friend

Another important thing to remember is that if your baby is meeting all other gross motor milestones but behind in ONE, it’s not cause for panic! They may be working on another skill or another realm of development and just need a little extra time to catch up 😘⁣

If, however, you are consistently noticing your babe is behind in their motor milestones, talk to a trusted healthcare provider and advocate fiercely for a PT referral. Watch and wait never did anyone any good 😅⁣ Or if you’re needing strategies to decide whether or not to pursue PT intervention or try to work on things at home, be sure to check out my courses. The courses were all developed with simple play-based strategies to get your baby moving and reduce your overwhelm!

I’ve also got a ✨Free 0-24 Months Milestone Checklist✨ that puts everything below into a nice tiny package for you to print off + follow along. Let this be a gentle guidepost toward their development though, rather than a source of anxiety and constant comparison 🤟🏻⁣

I also have super fun Motor Milestone + Purposeful Play card decks (that also make a great baby shower gift). Each card comes with the milestone + 3 play strategies to support it!

Let’s start with 0-3 months—such a tender time where you’re likely only focusing on feedings and sleep and overall survival (ha!).

Some things to be aware of in these first 3 months:

  • Tummy time can start from day one. On your chest or on a soft surface until the umbilical cord falls off but don’t wait!

  • Around 10 weeks, babies experience a rapid increase in head size. It’s completely normal for a couple-week regression in tummy time skills until they adjust :)

  • If you notice any flat spots, speak with your Pediatrician immediately and request a PT referral to avoid helmet intervention!

Scroll below to see video examples of each 0-3 Month Motor Milestone!

If you find yourself worried that your baby may already be a bit behind in some of these, you’ve got to check out my Ultimate Guide to Tummy Time. It has all my best simple strategies for building a strong foundation from day one! You can also find a gift guide to all of my favorite toys to motivate your little one to roll here!

Or if you’re curious what’s to come, be sure to check out my 3-6 Months Motor Milestones post.


The Best Playmats for Baby


3-6 Month Motor Milestones