Toddler Wearing 101

This guest blog was done in collaboration with Taylor Dervin, a Massage Therapist and Craniosacral Fascial Therapist, as well as the general manager at Inspired Play Cafe where she hosts a monthly Babywearing: Explore & Learn class!

mom carrying toddler in baby carrier

Photo via Flickr

When we hear the word “babywearing” we think of the sweet fourth trimester snuggles of a small baby wrapped snuggly on us... but there are carriers out there to support children of all ages. There are many reasons caregivers and older toddlers/children would benefit from a carrier - lack of mobility/muscle tone, sensory needs, needing help along a hike or to keep them close in a crowded area to name a few. I have a 2.5-year-old and a 5-year-old, and while wearing is mostly helping with the youngest, my oldest still needs the sensory reset of coming up close to me while I cook, and we talk about the day or just enjoy a snuggle. Having a carrier that can fit both of them, for whoever gets tired out on our hikes, is a game changer!

There are so many helpful resources, babywearing educators, and helpful tutorials out there, but all of the different carrier types can be so overwhelming! If you haven’t yet, read the Babywearing 101 blog post here as we follow the basic fit guidelines for older toddlers as we do babies and please watch our video all about toddler wearing here.

Here are my three favorite carriers, brand options, and ways to purchase.

Soft Structured Carriers:

Photo via Flickr

These carriers have a structured panel, supportive buckle waist, and backpack style straps. They are quick and easy to put on, used for front and back carries, but they are limited in the adjustability department, so they aren’t as easy to get a close fit as other styles. Pay attention to the size of the carrier as well - standard, toddler, preschool are the typical sizes. There are mesh panel options for warmer climates, and water carriers as well. Some can adjust the panel size to fit different sized kids. We want to find a carrier that fits our child as close to “knee to knee” as possible when they’re sitting in the carrier so their hips are fully supported and the weight is in their bum and not their legs... this will also feel much better for the caregiver as well.

Some great brands to look into are: LennyLamb, Kinderpack, Babuebaby, Naked Panda, Integra, Tula... EasyFeel Extend Plus and LennyLamb preschool are the biggest adjustable carriers that fit from about 2 - 7 years depending on the size of the child.

Woven Wraps:

Photo via Flickr

These are a long length of woven material - sort of like a stretchy wrap with newborns, but these have more support and no stretch. They are used for back, hip, and front carries… even torso carries with nothing on the shoulders! They are not as hot as stretchy wraps since you don’t have to have three passes over baby for them to be safe. There are sizes involved (see our video) but the sizes simply change which carries you can do, anyone can wear any size wrap! Personally, I LOVE my wraps... it’s the one tool you can use from pregnancy to newborn to preschool, and it is fully customizable to you with endless carries, finishes, and ways to tweak them to fit your needs. It can be used as a rebozo in labor, and for belly wrapping to help support that third trimester belly. Those with chronic pain or shoulder and back issues say that this type of carrier is the best for their body since they can get a very close carry.

Since they are the most open-ended carrier, they have probably the biggest learning curve, and people can be intimidated at first glance. I love it for the art form it is, and how much longer I can carry my kids comfortably. Finding a babywearing educator whose teaching style matches your learning style is key.. There are a lot of free resources available or you could book a 1:1 with an educator.

My favorites for wrapping in particular are:

Wrap Your Baby

Daily Wrap Videos

Wrap You In Love

Some brands I love:

Honey Bee Woven

Apple Blossom Wovens

Girasol (featured on Wrap Your Baby)

Half Buckles:

The best of both worlds! Featuring a structured clip waist, a softer and more moldable panel, and long woven wrap straps to reinforce the carry and do different finishes that help distribute the weight better across your chest. There are different comfort measures for different brands, such as a ring waist, padded shoulder straps, hood, extra padding around where the legs sit, etc. Based off of the Meh Dai carrier, these can give you a closer carry with support and less fuss than making a seat with a wrap but all the beauty. The long wrap straps definitely are prettier to look at than buckles, not to mention they spread out across your body more with no digging. Check out LennyLamb half buckle in toddler or preschool size. There are also wrap conversions and other brands, but for simplicity's sake, start there!

Other Learning Resources

mom and son toddler wearing in carrier

Photo via Flickr

Big Kid Wearing Group

Everyday Babywearing

Let’s talk Babywearing

Doula Kaytee

The Babywearing Club

Babywearing Kit (if you purchase a wrap from Honey Bee Woven you get a complimentary consult with her)

Plus Size Babywearing

Carrying Matters

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