Why Is Tummy Time Important?

Why Tummy Time is talked about so often and emphasized more now than it was in previous generations?

for more resources like this, check out these other movement mama posts:

Benefits Of Tummy Time For Toddlers
My Top 5 Tummy Time Tips
When Should I Start Tummy Time?

Since the dawn of the Back to Sleep campaign, pediatric health care professionals began to see a rise in developmental delay but a very necessary drop in SIDS rates. Because we stopped putting babies to sleep on their tummies, we have to provide opportunities for belly down strengthening in play!

Tummy time is one of the most valuable things you can implement for your baby's overall development and has a direct correlation to achievement of motor milestones. By including Tummy Time in your daily routine from the very beginning, you’ll be developing those crucial skills and creating a rhythm to the day you and your baby can both benefit from.

There are so many ways to keep Tummy Time interesting and engaging! Try out some sensory play ideas, add in some new engaging toys, or integrate one of my 5 tips? (look up that blog title) to make sure that Tummy Time is a no cry zone! This should be a fun, exciting activity for everyone. You can also incorporate Tummy Time ino an everyday activity, like right after a diaper change, to be sure you take advantage of those small moments in the day that will have a big impact on mastering milestones.

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When Should I Start Tummy Time?


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