My Top 5 Tummy Time Tips
for more resources like this, check out these other movement mama posts:
Benefits Of Tummy Time For Toddlers
My Top 5 Tummy Time Tips
When Should I Start Tummy Time?
Does your babe despise tummy time on the floor?!
Until they master the press up + look-around, it can be easy for our little ones to get frustrated with tummy time—unable to see much other than the floor or what’s right in front of them.
Top 5 tummy time tips
Here are 5 tummy time tips for a more enjoyable time
- Changing table tummy time (supervision required)
I challenge each of you to roll your baby to their tummy after each diaper change. This can be for 5 seconds or 5 minutes—whatever works for you and your little love! I’ve found getting into this routine helps me to not find myself at the end of the day thinking “UGH we didn’t do tummy time today!” (like I often did with my first babe)
- Tummy time on your chest
Did you know that your face is your babies favorite thing to look at? Take advantage of that to make tummy time more fun by placing baby on you chest to chest. Making silly faces and singing ridiculous songs recommended!
- Airplane carry
Sling them over your arm with your forearm supporting their belly and head—dads love this!
- Roll under their chest
Use one of the 5,000 baby blankets you were gifted to make a little roll for under their chest. It should be the right size to prop them on their elbows a bit—no more, no less.
- Place a hand on their bottom and press down + back toward their feet
This shifts the weight to their booty instead of that big noggin’ of theirs and allows them to lift their head easier.
Remember: Short bursts cumulatively through your day can really add up, especially if baby is happy and continues to enjoy tummy time more each day. Some days for us this meant 5-10 minutes each wake time on his tummy and others it meant 30 seconds (hello sleep regressions and Leaps!) The real key here is consistency!
As always, there’s even more goodness in my Ultimate Guide to Tummy Time. I’ve also shared some of my favorite tummy time toys and tips for helping your baby roll in these articles!
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